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Green Smoothie

This is one of those very healthy yet tasty smoothies that almost tastes more like a greens juice then smoothie texture :) granted I like green drinks and ones that aren't too sweet whereas I made this for my sister and she wanted me to add more pineapple and some pitted dates to help make it sweeter ha! So you do you :)

I love having this in the morning cause I know it helps me start my day off and breaks my fast ( not eating after dinner until the morning ) in the best way:) and I really don't like salads unless they are packed with yummy stuff or in a wrap so this helps me get a lot of my fruit and veggies in for the day!


3 cups ish of greens ( romaine , kale, spinach whatever )

1 cup water

BLEND. This helps get all the leafy greens puréed and smooth

1/2 banana

1/2 apple

1/2 cup fruit ( I used fresh cut pineapple I had on hand)

2 -3 thin slices of turmeric and ginger root ( you can keep the skin on)

1/2 lemon/lime

Optional : couple pitted dates for sweetness / hemp seeds for protein / coconut oil for healthy fats

And that's it :) it's fresh, it's yummy, it's healthy and starts your day off with a bang!

Photo credit for all these images: Julia Luymes


The Joy of the Lord is your strength! Nehemiah 8:10. What a great reminder that our strength doesn’t come from the things of this world but from our Father in heaven. Such freedom can be found in this verse! When we feel overwhelmed , weak and tired we can cling to this verse and remind ourselves that our true joy and strength is found in our never changing, all powerful, understanding God.

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