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Best Veggie Burger EVER

Okay guys! I am so excited to share this recipe with you!

It's what I like to think of as some form of a family heirloom within our family at Jo Anne's Place (a lovely health food store that I have worked at casually for the past 12 years).  

This burger I could have at any time of the day! I find it so addictive and it leaves me feeling amazing, not bloated or that heavy gross feeling that I get when I have most beef burgers. 

I also like that the ingredients are simple and nutritious and not packed with soy or heavy beans etc. but still full of protein and fibre. And the ingredients I normally have on hand so it's not like a separate shopping trip for that one weird ingredient you need for some vegan/vegetarian recipes and then are in your cupboard or fridge for who knows how long ha. 

So first what you want to do is get all your ingredients out and ready to go!

You'll Need:

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 cup walnuts

  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds

  • 1 cup oats

  • 3 tbs tomato juice

  • 1/2 cup onion

  • 1/2 tsp sage

  • 1 clove garlic

  • 1 tsp salt

Next you want to use a food processor and grind up all your nuts & seeds until a find sandlike texture forms.

Then pour mixture into a large bowl and add your oats in and mix.

In the now empty food processor add your tomato juice, onion, eggs and spices until a puree forms.

Then pour puree over top of dry ingredients and mix to combine well. 

Now let that sit for about 15-30 minutes until the mixture has soaked up all the juices from the puree.

Then you can make little patties however big or small you like. The mixture will be wet and somewhat crumbly when forming your patties but don't worry they will come together when cooking.

Heat up your frying pan (I love using my cast iron frying pan... but any pan will do) and add some oil to cover the bottom of the pan to prevent any sticking. 

Then place your patties onto a hot pan and turn heat down to a medium. Cook til brown on the outsides and firmer to touch. This probably takes anywhere from 10-15 min but just keep an eye on them and you will know when they have cooked through. 

And there you have it! I love to make a double batch of these, cook them up and freeze half of them for another time.  Just pop them out of the freezer onto the frying pan to reheat and bammmm fast tasty meal! I like to use these for obviously a normal burger on a bun or lettuce wrap/ by themselves dipped in condiments / in a burrito bowl in replace for any meat I would use/ in a wrap... options are endless!

I hope you enjoy!

📷 Julia Luymes 


This morning I was reading in Mark 10:13-16 ...this is the part in the Bible where parents are bringing their children to be blessed by Jesus but the disciples are telling them to go away.

And then Jesus says "Let all the little children come to me and never hinder them! Don't you know that God's kingdom realm exists for such as these? Listen to the truth I speak; Whoever does not open their arms to receive God's kingdom like a teachable child will never enter it." Then he embraced each child, and laying his hands on them, he lovingly blessed each one.

There is so much you can get out of this scripture but I feel like what God was showing me this morning is that we need to be like a teachable child.  I need to be open and ready to receive God's kingdom at any moment in my day and not be too busy or stubborn to see what God is doing around me and for me.  I want to be teachable and willing. To have my eyes and ears open and ready. To have a soft and tender heart to receive His kingdom in whatever way it may show up that day even if its in a way that I may not like or understand. I just need to be like a teachable child who is open, trusting, and ready. 

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