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Leftover Makeup

Yes you read the title correctly! We're talking about real life mom hacks. Sometimes you just have to do what you gotta do.

Jess and I have Mom life that is rushed and now you and your makeup come second.

So when you have somewhere to be and you don't have time to shower because you have to feed+change+dress+pack diaper bag ...AND get your self dressed! The leftover makeup from yesterday is our base that we have to work with.

So you start with this face - smudged mascara, patchy foundation but eyebrows and bronzer still in tact:

Yaaaaa I know I'm making faces butt legit this is my slept in leftover make up look ::)ha

First step, clean up those eyes:

Put a bit of this amazing product called micellar water (click on the picture for the link) on a cotton pad and swipe away any mascara that's transferred onto the skin.

Once you've done that add a bit of mascara if yours need touching up. I also add some of my magnetic lashes to the outer edge of my lash line to help this momma out. They aren't always on perfect especially if i am in a rush but that's whats awesome about wearing glasses... they kind of camouflage it all together.

Then go in with this dream product, BB cream. You can use a dense makeup brush like this one or your hands or a beauty blender:

Then add a little powder to set and voila you are ready in 5 minutes! I wear my glasses a lot so here's the with and without:

And by this time little miss or mister is calling/wailing/grunting for your attention so offf you go:)

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