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Hi! Stop comparing yourself...

Get to know us a bit...

Hey I’m Jess :)

I’m 25, married to the boy I have been obsessed with for the last 11 years, new momma to Sterling North, Jesus saved, worship leader, major home body, nurse, new momma, and lover of all things foodie, beauty, thrifty and crafty.

Hi I'm Kayley!

I'm 26, and I'll be married to my boy for 4 years soon. Unlike Jess I met my husband not that long ago and within 8 months of dating we were engaged haha. I'm also a new momma to my Noelyn Grace :) I'm a teacher and love working with kids! My passions are JESUS, family and anything beauty related :)

We have a lot in common but are still so different! Which is why we love hanging out and blogging together. You might look at us in these pictures and think "wow they have it all together". BUTTT let us tell you we do not! haha (take a look at the picture below!). It's ok that you think are not alone! Before Jess and I met each other we thought "wow she has it all together"! Now we hang out and realize that we both don't have it together but we are trying and cheering each other on. It was SO refreshing to know that we were not alone in having leftover makeup on from the night before or had 6 piles of laundry that has been clean for a week but just haven't got around to it or hadn't washed our hair in 5 days! And like this picture below, ha this is what most of the photo shoot looks like but the talented Julia Luymes is stellar at capturing the sweet moments ha and then sticks one like this in there to keep us smiling. We are real women wanting to let you in on our real moments so that you can stop comparing yourself to those instagram bloggers that you THINK have it all together but behind the scenes are just like you and I.


Don't let the enemy bring you down and point out all the things you don't have or feel like you aren't measuring up. Know who you are in Christ and let the Holy spirit sink that into your soul so that you can walk around and be confident in with saying this, we are not saying that we don't compare ourselves and that we just walk around in this fairy tale world thinking we are beautiful in God's eyes and that's good enough for us...NO!

We struggle with it! And it's an everyday battle to say "let me lean not on my own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

This is why it's great to surround yourself with people that will encourage you and lift you up rather than pretend like they have it all together in front of you just to make themselves feel better. Jessica and I are REAL with each other and we don't stay in that pit of self-pity when we are down about ourselves for not feeling good enough. We help each other up by encouraging, staying accountable to each other and meeting weekly so that we can feel refreshed.

All this to say don't compare. Walk in your freedom and in your identity of who you are. Encourage and rejoice in one another's differences. Allow yourself to be real with one another and be strengthened by one another instead of allowing comparison to divide and separate the community we were meant to live in with one another. It is a treasure you will hold on to forever.

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